Frequently Asked Questions

Being plan managed relieves the stress that can be associated with claiming payments through the NDIS MyPlace Portal and managing invoices, giving you the flexibility to use service providers who are both registered and not registered with the NDIS.

Each Enable Plan Management client is given an email address that links straight into our Plan Management team. Clients can then email their invoices straight to that email address or get their service provider to do it for them, and we take care of the rest. Alternatively, invoices can be posted or dropped off at our offices.

We then claim the money from the NDIS and pay the provider or reimburse the client. The email address is managed by EllieB’s and emails can only be received by each client’s email address.

We provide you with a monthly budget and regular statements of your plan managed NDIS funding. We can help with budgeting, so you will always know if you have enough funding to last the plan and we will also let you know if you have funding left over to ensure you have time to figure out how to spend it.

In most cases, you need to ask to be plan managed in your initial planning meeting with the NDIS or LAC (Local Area Coordinator). The category Improved Life Choices is then added to your plan with funding to cover all plan management fees. If you are looking at your plan from the NDIS portal, it will show as CB Choice & Control. If you already have a plan and you want it to be changed to plan managed, you will need to request a review or wait until you come up for review with your next plan.
Plan Management, otherwise known as a Financial Intermediary, gives you the flexibility to use service providers who are both registered and not registered with the NDIS. As well as online stores for items like assistive technology so you don’t need to pay out of pocket first and be reimbursed.
  • ABN number
  • A unique Invoice number
  • The NDIS participant’s name and NDIS number
  • The date your service was provided
  • A description of service provided
  • Hourly rate charged (if appropriate)
  • Your company’s contact details
  • Banking details

For further information, contact the team at